Neighborhood Associations
A neighborhood association by definition is neighbors living within a designated area of the City who are concerned about issues affecting their neighborhood and who have decided to work together to protect and ensure a better social, economic, and business climate in their neighborhood.
The purpose of a neighborhood association is to act as a voice for the neighborhood residents, an official link to local government and the larger community. Many neighborhoods find that by banding together and forming a neighborhood association, they are better able to meet the collective needs of the neighborhood.
Neighborhood associations take on many different looks and engage in different types of activities based on their individual neighborhood’s needs and interests. Here are some examples:
- Producing a neighborhood newsletter
- Organizing block parties and picnics
- Cleaning up a neighborhood park
- Conducting traffic studies
- Educating residents about zoning issues and new developments that might impact the area
- Organizing recreational activities
- Representing neighborhood interests to government and the media
- Forming a committee to address problem properties in the neighborhood
For more information about Neighborhood Associations, please contact the City of Green Bay's Community & Economic Development Department.
Downtown Green Bay Neighborhood Associations
Broadway District
Fort Howard Neighborhood Association
Seymour Park Neighborhood Association
Downtown District
Downtown Neighborhood Association